These tweets are selected automatically with #rstats code. Please inform me if any is inappropriate. See other #SurgPath pages here: or here: See selected social media based textbook project here:
Dear #pathologists,
— Serdar Balcı (@serdarbalci) April 16, 2020
See the recent #PBPath #JournalWatch#pathology #GIPath #SurgPath #PathResidents
Dear #pathologists,
— Serdar Balcı (@serdarbalci) April 16, 2020
I am trying to add @OK_Maps into @pbpath #JournalWatch
Let me know what you think.#articles #research #bibliometrics #PBPath #pathology #GIPath #SurgPath
Mild mature lymphocytosis also seems to be fairly frequent in patients brought in with acute cardiac issues. I guess this would qualify as a "non-surgical" trauma, but I am surprised there isn't more literature on this.
— Matthew Wasco (@Gleason4plus5) June 8, 2019
When reviewing daily blood smears on #hemepath coverage, I frequently notice patients with a mild (5-8k) lymphocytosis who are being evaluated for a suspected overdose. Some literature on lymphocytosis being seen with trauma (including non-surgical). Do others notice this?
— Matthew Wasco (@Gleason4plus5) June 8, 2019
Link fixed!
— AAGL (@AAGL) April 3, 2020
Life finds a way
— Thomas Giordano (@Tom_J_Giordano) March 20, 2020
Current Issue: Preoperative 18F-FDG PET/CT in Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas Allows for Precision Surgery
— Annals of Surgery (@AnnalsofSurgery) March 10, 2020
Follow @drdanmd for daily pediatric surgery #ABSITE pearls. #SoMe4Surgery @FOAMsurg
— Jad Abdelsattar (He/Him) (@Jad_Sattar) January 16, 2020
Surgeons perform rare quadruple valve replacement surgery on a 22-year-old with acute infective endocarditis:
— Cleveland Clinic MD (@CleClinicMD) January 7, 2020
These tweets are selected automatically with #rstats code. Please inform me if any is inappropriate. See other #SurgPath pages here: or here: See selected social media based textbook project here: