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Very rare and all are transplant or HIV (+) patients!
— Merva Soluk Tekkesin (@merva_st) September 21, 2017
Perfect storm: Lombardy's virus disaster is lesson for world #science via @medical_xpress
— Antibody Resource (@absresourcepage) April 27, 2020
New York City Divided by a Virus
— Kenzo Dubois (@KenzoDub) April 11, 2020
Just in case you haven't had enough of #infectiousdisease and #viruses, here's a ring-enhancing lesion from a 56 year-old with #HIV. Left panel is intraop smear, right is permanent section. Diagnosis? What immunostain do you want to confirm it? #pathology #neuropath #pathtwitter
— Craig Horbinski (@CraigHorbinski) April 4, 2020
Apart from the epidemiology and pathology of the virus, its ability to cause, for instance, a local and global recession or a change in President is absolutely incredible. It is indeed a once in a generation event...
— Plaingoldband (@plaingoldband) March 4, 2020
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