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The virus itself does not cause this. Now go dig into some immunology/ pathology books and figure it out.
— WWG1WGA!! VOTER ID NOW! (@GriffCovfefe) May 13, 2020
No doubt WH Aides and GOP Senators are mulling their strategy going forward. Wish I was a fly on the wall! How many times must they have said: "Yes, that IS a good idea, but he'll never agree to it." There's a reason why people with his pathology always get worse. And worse.
— Duty To Warn 🔉 (@duty2warn) April 27, 2020
Financial Times ! ! Virus lays bare the frailty of the social contract
— Edward Tufte (@EdwardTufte) April 5, 2020
I'm tracing the ACE2 receptors..very rich in kidneys.
— Gregory (@urbanx_f) March 30, 2020
Tells me the virus is not dependant on these receptors. It wants to be in the lungs. It is location specific. But, does not cause pathology in young we have a puzzle here.
It's not as simple as those already sick get it worse. There are very specific conditions which this virus seems to cause more problems in. You really should speak to your consultant. Like I said, it isn't the Government who decided this. It's consultants based on the pathology.
— David C (@jduebsirb) March 30, 2020
I want to hear from the people who understand the pathology, epidemiogy, prevention and cure of the Corona virus.
— Kathy Lark (@kdlark) March 21, 2020
I want to know if it can reoccur in a person, once they suffer exposure.
I want to know if the lungs are are chronically damaged after exposure.
I want real answers.
I talked with Tracey McNamara, the chief pathologist at the Bronx Zoo who discovered West Nile Virus, and consulted on Contagion. "Life," she told me, "is unfolding very much like the movie."
— Adam Wren (@adamwren) March 21, 2020
A journalist on Facebook posted it. The doctor is a pathologist who researched viruses at UCSD. I have read in other places that this virus lives on surfaces for at least 7 days
— Kari O'Driscoll (@karilod) March 1, 2020
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