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#pathart #artifyingpathology continued!!! ACTINOMYCOSIS #pathology #pathboards @NehalRahate @TheKarenPinto@DrAhmedKalebi @Drkirti11 @kriyer68 @suraksharaob
— Vijay Shankar S (@VijayPatho) May 24, 2020
@Thejaspatho @BinXu16 @pembeoltulu
@DrRolaAli @Path_Matt @umaranigubbi @DrGeeONE
— mICROBIO (@mICROBIOsh) April 2, 2020
Klebsiella oxytoca.
The Corona virus is a hoax orchestrated by Big Introvert to make everyone stop shaking hands and stay at home as much as possible.
— Tim van der Zee (@Research_Tim) March 7, 2020
Hi Anna, could you expand on this? Sequencing and isolating a virus is supposed to be the same?
— Manlio De Domenico (@manlius84) February 3, 2020
Did you know that Isaac Asimov died of AIDS? #scififri
— Jason H. Moore, PhD (@moorejh) January 31, 2020
The good news is the five minutes I spent outside were running Toby into and out of the vet. He was not happy, but the pathology came back on his snoot lump. It was a carcinoma caused by a virus rather than sun exposure. It has a 17% chance of recurring. So not too bad.
— Lauren (@notalwaysweak) January 14, 2020
Oh my gosh I know. It's the rapid evolution of ebola, more so than the horrific pathology, that makes it such a terrifying disease. That virus feels malevolent.
— kathedrals (@kathryniveyy) January 13, 2020
Vaccines: a foundation for all pathology..exacerbated by the latency of the virus in the vaccine
— Richard Reichle (@RichardReichle) December 10, 2019
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