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Molecular signatures can predict the efficacy of malaria #vaccines via @medical_xpress
— Antibody Resource (@absresourcepage) May 14, 2020
As a lament in the field of biology, pathology, virology, epidemiology & medicine, i believe that creating a cure for a virus that's constantly mutating is a futile attempt. It changes its outfit & here we go again and that's why no meaningful attempt's ever been done to cure flu
— (@TruthSite) April 20, 2020
A transmission electron micrograph of SARS-CoV-2 virus particles, also known as novel coronavirus
— MEDICALCE (@medicalce) April 19, 2020
Opinion: Fracking Needs Shakeout, not Bailout
— Philadelphia PSR (@PhilaPSR) March 12, 2020
"In the case of the U.S. exploration and production business, to say the current predicament is the fault of Saudi Arabia or a virus is to cite catalysts rather than the underlying pathology." via @houstonchron
Well, De Gascun worries me. They are fixated on epidemiology and pathology of the virus rather than the pure mechanics of transmission which is basic logic really. Waiting until it gets serious like De Gascun seems to want is a real problem. Its complacent
— The Tax Expert (@irl_tax_expert) March 9, 2020
Update on the corona virus by @chrismartenson. It is well done by someone highly trained in pathology
— Dave Collum (@DavidBCollum) February 10, 2020
It's a bug in RStudio < 1.2.5019 but it's fixed in the latest 1.2 releases
— Garrick (@grrrck) January 7, 2020
These tweets are selected automatically with #rstats code. Please inform me if any is inappropriate. See other #IDPath pages here: or here: See selected social media based textbook project here: